Use of Oil and Fat for Skin Care

Written By Unknown on Saturday, May 26, 2012 | 2:41 AM

As you know the oils and fats of vegetable or mineral is part of any moisturizer or moisturizer for the skin. Some oils have ingredients that help nourish while others help seal its natural moisture to prevent drying.
The fats used in skin care may be divided into three groups: vegetable, animal and mineral. Let's look at some 

Animal fats
include animal fats are most commonly used lanolin and butter. The butter is rarely used in cosmetics in India but widely used by applying directly to the skin. 

Fats Minerals

Here are petrolatum and mineral oil. These fats have the advantage of not cause allergies or irritation, but can clog the pores so that people prone to acne should not use. The oil is similar to petroleum jelly and is used in normal products for infants . It is recommended for dry and rough areas on the body. Many face creams contain it because it is very cheap. 

Vegetable fats:
Vegetable butters

are very effective on dry and rough skin such as heels, elbows, knees or hands. Some of these fats can cause comedowns in sensitive individuals. 


Vegetable oils
several oils in skin care such as almondolive, sunflower, coconut, argan and others. These oils can be part of face creams and body. Can be used alone throughout the body, face and hair and even in the face to remove makeup, reading face cleansing oil

The oils may be mixed between themselves to obtain different properties. They can put vitamin E or wheat germ oil to put more nutrients, better consistency and long term application because the oils are arrancian. 

Can replace oil a moisturizer
Yes and no. The problem with the oils is that they are easily absorbed and for this reason we prefer to use the creams. If oils are enriched by blending with other oils and essential oils can replace the creams but most people prefer these latter.

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